Monday, March 2, 2009

UK's Best Online Bingo Directory

All my friends are doing it. I even saw my neighbours doing it on their front stoop on their laptop. There are even rumours going around that my Mum does it on occasion. I found the last one hard to believe because this is the same woman who needs help sending emails, but I went over there Saturday afternoon and there she was, doing it right in front of my eyes! It's true, she was playing a game of online bingo!

She said that it was so easy to get started and that if I wanted to try I could be playing a card in a matter of minutes. I asked her how she knew so much and she told me that her friend told her about this great online bingo directory listing all the top UK bingo sites called She said that it reviews and rates all the different sites and gives them a score of up to 5 “hearts” based on the following points:

- popularity
- security
- ease of registration
- look, feel and quality of the site and the games it offers
- graphics
- customer service
- promotions
- sign up and cashback bonuses
- chat rooms
- chat games
- side games and more!

So I went home to give it a go, and guess what? Mum was right, it was super easy! The only hard thing about the whole experience was deciding between all the fantastic sites that I-Love-Bingo lists. I mean all the popular ones are on there... Wink Bingo, William Hill Bingo and 888Ladies Bingo just to name a few.

I finally decided on Blackpool Club Bingo because it had 3 hearts out of 5 and you get £21 free just for signing up with no deposit required, 100% cashback on your first deposit and 50% cashback on all deposits everyday. There was a link right on the I-Love-Bingo site which took me straight to the page where you register and I was ready to play in 3 easy steps. Since I'm new to this I didn't know where the £21 bonus would show up at so I clicked the 24/7 Online Support button and was talking to a very helpful Dean in less then one minute. He clearly told me where to find the bonus and I was off and playing! I couldn't believe how easy they make it. To get going right away you can click the instant play button and they show you the games that are starting next. I chose one that was starting in 2 ½ minutes with a payout of £15, which gave me plenty of time to buy some cards which were only 25 pence each. Once I bought the cards all I had to do was sit back and watch. They do everything for you, including marking off your numbers and prioritizing your cards so you can see how many numbers you need to get bingo. It was so exciting! In the short time I played I was one number away twice!

Since so many of these sites offer great sign up bonuses you can try them with no risk or obligation. I challenge you to find another form of recreation, on or offline, that offers such sweet deals. I'm planning on trying out some of the other sites this weekend.

So remember, when you're ready to try this super fun and popular pass time visit, UK's Best Online Bingo Directory. Come on, if my Mum can figure it out...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Since so many of these sites offer great sign up bonuses you can try them with no risk or obligation.

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