Friday, January 2, 2009

Writing Keyword Rich Website Copy

The wonderful thing about writing website copy is that when it is done effectively it will be profitable for your business.

When writing copy for a website make sure that it is keyword rich, straightforward, informative, not condescending, and with specialist, fresh information when possible.

At the time of writing the text for a website, it's best to be aware that you need to please not only your target customers but also the dynamics of the search engines.

This article focuses on the first step - making your website copy keyword rich.

However these can overlap to some extent, as when your copy contains relevant and specialist keywords the information will naturally develop from there, and thus be useful to an online audience.

So the central idea is to research your keywords first which will be the core of your business/products/services, and then build out from these to develop other less generic, more niche keywords.

It is also important to inject some personality into your website copy, which should naturally be in tune with the nature of your business and style of the website design.

More and more, people are gravitating towards websites that have a character, while still being trustworthy. This is because many websites still lack the feeling of a personal touch, and therefore those that can achieve this will have a headstart in their market.

Going back to the keywords - these are crucial to communicate in the short, medium and long term to the search engines - what your website has from an informative point of view. The search engines rate websites for their level of usefulness to the internet consumer.

Even though you may know that your website has fresh, valuable information, if this information has not been communicated to the search engines in the correct way then from an internet point of view, it is rendered useless.

Take time at the beginning to develop a core keyword list, and then drill down into this and develop it to include many more versions of the original keywords and also when relevant geographical keywords.

Many people searching on the internet will enter the name of the place they live, or the nearest city, as in their mind they feel this is necessary. This is a geographical keyword. Instead of searching for "diy ladders" the person may search for "diy ladders norwich".

If you interweave the keywords at the beginning of writing your website copy, you will show your business to the most relevant people and at the same time achieve a better SEO status - search engine optimisation status.

Finally when including your keywords in the website copy, make sure you don't overdo it. In other words the text should read well, and the keywords should be there only a few times and need to be balanced out with plenty of relevant information.

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