Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fair Team Play

Ever notice that when you're down the pub with your mates there's always that one guy that runs out of money right when it's his turn to buy a round?

Did you also notice that there's always one guy at work that seems to be "out sick" on the days when they're collecting for the staff fund?

And isn't it just your luck that there's one guy on your football team that always forgets his wallet at home when it comes time to pitch in for new gear?

Don't feel alone. We all know "that guy".

Well, they can't do much about him stiffing you at the pub and at work but Managing Director, Mike Smith and the rest of the brilliant team at TeamSport90 have come up with a way to help you avoid being stiffed on the field.

All you have to do is log on to TeamSport90 and register for a free membership. Now you have a way to order all the gear for everyone on the team and if you don't get the money then you don't place the order. It's that simple. This will help take the stress off the person on your team who takes care of these details and it'll also make everyone on the team responsible for themselves.

Want another great reason to sign up? Here's two! It's FREE and it also includes a tracking system of your outstanding orders and order history, great online offers, games and so much more! Okay, that was more like five great reasons. Seriously, it's fantastic and you should check it out right now at

"That guy" will definitely get the point when he's the only one on the team to show up for the game in last years kit.

Always looking for ways to make your life easier, TeamSport90 - UK's Premier Team Kit Supplier.

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