Monday, November 10, 2008

Why Vacation In Brittany Instead Of Cornwall?

Here is the truth about some of the most common misconceptions passed down
throughout the years:

1.Thomas Crapper invented the flush toilet.
- False, Sir John Harrington did.

2.Bats are blind.
- False, most just can't distinguish between colours.

3.It is cheaper to vacation in Cornwall then in Brittany.
-False, even though some local travel agencies would have you believe the contrary. Truth be told, in peak season the price of a multi-bedroom villa in Cornwall could run you between £2600 to £2800 per week but The Villa Company has several hand picked units in Brittany under £2000, some even under £1500. And this is in peak season!

We'll give you a moment to get over the shock. We had always thought bats were blind too! Seriously though, it is shocking to find out that the borders on your vacation options just blew open. Exciting too!

And just so we're clear, we're not talking about bottom of the line units either because most of The Villa Company properties come with choice amenities including a washing machine, dishwasher, microwave, TV, DVD player, and barbecue.

Oh, and did I also mention that most come with a private indoor pool? Now, no matter what the weather is like outside you can still enjoy a dip whenever you fancy! You may not find that option often in Cornwall!

Another positive is, no matter how many people you're traveling with, The Villa Company offers properties to cater from 2 to 10 or more people.

When you're planning your next holiday keep in mind that thanks to The Villa Company, it's just a short ferry ride across the English Channel to a whole new world of experience and culture in Brittany.

Start planning your holiday today at The Villa Company.

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